In July 2013, the Astana Dragons team was created. It includes players who became famous during the popularity of CS 1.6. In December 2013, the team left the Astana Dragons project after it was closed. For several months the team did not have a sponsor. In March 2014, the players signed a contract with the Ukrainian organization HellRaisers. In September, the team left AdreN, his place was taken by a young and promising Ukrainian player s1mple. November 28, the composition announced the signing of B1ad3 as a coach. In January 2015, s1mple and markeloff were kicked out of the team, and in their place came flamie and returned to AdreN. In the future, flamie passed under the banner of Natus Vincere, and AdreN's longtime friend joined the team - mou. In September 2015, the team left its leader - Dosia.
In the heavy final of Acer Predator Masters Season 1, the team from the European HellRaisers won the European mousesports with a score of 4-3 (default 0-1, de_cache 12-16, de_dust 16-9, de_overpass 14-16, de_train 16-13, de_cobblestone 16-10 and de_mirage 16-10).
In the final of Copenhagen Games 2016, the team from the European HellRaisers won the European squad with a score of 2-0 (de_inferno 25-23 and de_dust 16-5).
In the final of Bets.net Masters: Season 1, the team from the European HellRaiserswon the European North with a score of 2-1 (de_cache 16-14, de_overpass 6-16 and de_inferno 19-17).